Check out the small groups our church has to offer. Each Garden Group is catered toward a specific demographic, age, or walk of life. Groups are between 4-12 people.

Click the link below each group to sign up!

S.A.L.T. 2
Leader: Brian and Lisa Baumgartner

SALT2 stands for Seniors Actively Living Titus 2.

This group is geared toward 50+ year olds who are looking for community with others in their age demographic. Do you want to be spurred on and encouraged about how God is using your generation to raise up the next generation? 

SALT2 meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 6-8pm. SALT2 will meet at Brian and Lisa's house in East New Market, MD.. 

Council of Dads
Leader: Matt Thorpe

Are you a young dad (roughly 20-39yrs old) looking for encouragement from other dads in a similar season of life? Want to grow in community and depth of God's Word, all while being challenged and spurred on by other dads?

Council of Dad's meets every Tuesday from 6:30-8p at Matt's house in Hurlock..

More than Mom's
Leader: Cara Barfield

This group is geared toward Moms in the 20-39 year old range who are looking for community with other moms. This group will dive into our identity as moms, but even more than that, our identity as daughters of Christ. More than Mom's will alternate locations, between Cambridge, MD and Salisbury, MD in order to accomodate all of our moms. 

More than Mom's meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 5:30-8pm. On the 2nd Saturday, MTM will meet at Cara's house in Salisbury. On the 4th Saturday, MTM will meet at Haley's house in Cambridge.